
Fresh Catch of the Day: How to Spot Quality Seafood at the Market

When it comes to seafood, freshness is key. Whether you’re a seafood aficionado or just looking to add more variety to your diet, knowing how to spot quality seafood at the market can make a big difference in the taste and overall dining experience. At The Deck at Island Gardens, we pride ourselves on serving only the freshest seafood to our guests, so we’ve put together a guide to help you choose the best catch of the day.

1. Look for Clear Eyes and Firm Flesh

When selecting seafood, pay attention to the eyes of the fish. Clear, bright eyes are a sign of freshness, while cloudy or sunken eyes indicate that the fish is past its prime. Additionally, the flesh of the fish should be firm to the touch and have a shiny appearance. Avoid any fish that looks dull or has soft spots, as these are signs of spoilage.

2. Check for a Fresh, Oceanic Smell

Fresh seafood should have a clean, briny smell reminiscent of the ocean. If the fish smells overly fishy or pungent, it may be starting to spoil. Trust your nose when selecting seafood, as it can be a reliable indicator of freshness.

3. Consider the Season and Origin

The season and origin of the seafood can also play a role in its quality. Certain fish are more abundant and flavorful during specific times of the year, so it’s helpful to know what’s in season when shopping for seafood. Additionally, seafood that is sourced locally is often fresher and more sustainable than fish that has been shipped long distances.

4. Look for Sustainable Options

Choosing sustainable seafood not only supports responsible fishing practices but also ensures that you’re getting a high-quality product. Look for certifications such as MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) or ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) when shopping for seafood to ensure that it has been sourced sustainably.

5. Ask Your Fishmonger

If you’re unsure about the quality or freshness of a particular fish, don’t hesitate to ask your fishmonger for guidance. They can provide valuable insight into the best options available and may even be able to recommend specific varieties based on your preferences.

6. Store and Handle Seafood Properly

Once you’ve selected your seafood, it’s important to store and handle it properly to maintain its freshness. Keep seafood refrigerated at all times and consume it within a day or two for the best flavor. Avoid storing seafood near strong-smelling foods, as they can easily absorb odors.


Q: How can I tell if shrimp is fresh?

A: Fresh shrimp should have a firm texture, a mild odor, and a translucent appearance. Avoid shrimp that is discolored or has a strong fishy smell.

Q: What is the best way to cook fresh fish?

A: The best way to cook fresh fish is to keep it simple. Grilling, baking, or pan-searing are all great methods that allow the natural flavor of the fish to shine through.

Q: Are frozen seafood products a good alternative to fresh?

A: While fresh seafood is ideal, frozen seafood can be a convenient and cost-effective option. Look for flash-frozen products that have been properly stored to ensure quality.

In conclusion, choosing quality seafood at the market doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By paying attention to the appearance, smell, and sourcing of the seafood, you can ensure that you’re getting the freshest and most flavorful options available. And if you’re ever in Miami, be sure to visit The Deck at Island Gardens for a taste of the finest seafood in a stunning waterfront setting.

For more information about our dining options and events, visit https://islandgardens.com.