iO Donna
iO Donna | July 10, 2025 |

How to subvert dynamics such as social distancing, the anxiety of offline human relationships, the frustration generated by exasperated comparisons with the lives of others and the negative effects on one’s self-esteem?

I am pleased to note that in this historical phase we are starting to see behaviors that go against the trend, thanks to a newfound need on the part of people to connect even offline, to look each other in the eye, to hold hands. In Florida there are more and more places where taking photographs and videos is prohibited, both to restore social contact and to respect people’s privacy. The effects of social networks on people can be very negative, including influencing the lives of others and increasing anxiety and frustration, especially due to the comparison between one’s own life and that of one’s social contacts, generating negative effects on one’s self-esteem.

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